Here is a hodge podge of accolades from our past meetings. Thanks to our club photographer, Glenda Munguia, for making sure to capture our
Kodak moments.
Matt Morey, our Area Governor, visited us and presented James Stark with his 100% Toastmaster award. |
Matt Morey also presented Meghan Riley with her 3rd speech ribbon. |
Matt Morey also had the honor of presenting Kathy Leu with her AC pen. This means she completed her CC manual 's ten speeches and 10 more for specialty manuals! Wow! |
Stacy Franks made these adorable treats to share with the group. We often get spoiled like that in Toastmasters! |
Matt also presented Tor Palmgren with his Ice Breaker Speech ribbon. This is the first speech a Toastmaster delivers to the club.The Ice Breaker is a get-to-know- a-little-more-about-me speech which we all love to hear from our members! |
There will be more pics to come. Please be sure to visit the page as often as you can and comments are always welcomed from our members and guests.
Recent Accolades:
- Ingrid Woikey, a very new member, conducted her first role as Time Keeper
- Ingrid Woikey also delivered her Ice Breaker Speech
- Yvette Silva, our newest member, conducted her first role as a Mudslinger being our Time Keeper. She did it last minute when we needed a stand-in! Thanks, Yvette!
- Sara Brunner is only one role away now from earning her 100% Toastmaster goal and pin after conducting her first speech evaluation.
- Carolina Little is one away from earning her CL!
- The club now has another new member, Mrs. Tonya Burrell! YAY! We are all so excited and happy to have her.
- The club is also ONE new member away from earning District recognition for gaining 5 new members between April and March.
- Art Leuterman is getting dangerously close to earning his ACS.
Upcoming Events:
- M-I SWACO Mudslingers 5-year anniversary! We have something very special in mind!
- Mudslinger Spotlight will be posted
Glad to see that everyone is still there and accomplishing so much! I must say, I miss you guys! One of these days I will be able to make a meeting...