Hi, Mudslingers!
Thanks to all who came out yesterday to close out the New
Year! It was a special time and really fun just hanging out. Thanks to all who
made it such a success.
A special congratulations to all who won the Cheesy
Christmas Collectibles and the gift cards for the incentive drive. Sashi won a
$25 gift card to Chili’s and Patrick won a $25 gift card to AMC movie theaters.
It was great seeing everyone have such a good time and
hearing laughter is always uplifting. For those of you who could not
attend, you were missed.
Here is the announcement of the new officers:
President: Art Leuterman
Vice President of Education (after two run-offs and a close
tie-breaker): Stacy Franks
Vice President of Membership: Kathy Leu
Vice President of Public Relations: Carolina Little
Secretary/Treasurer: Meghan Riley
Sergeant at Arms: James Stark
Congratulations to the new officers! Very exciting to
see new blood in the regime.
Here is the following calendar of events for the
Dec. 22nd, 29th, and January 5th-
No TI Mudslingers Meetings
January 5th-Officers’ Meeting at time of
regular TI meeting
January 12th-First TI Mudslingers
Meeting of 2012
January17th-Incentive dinner at TBA
We had a good year this year. I have no doubt we will get
even better next year! Every member get your New Year’s Toastmasters
resolutions ready. We are going to make it happen in 2012!
Happy Holidays and Have a Wonderful New Year,
p.s.- get a head start
on the New Year and sign up for roles today for the first meeting of 2012.
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