M-I SWACO Mudslingers Toastmasters Cordially Invites You To Simply Be Our Guest!
During the months of February through June 1, if you come and visit, we will have a free lunch waiting for you! Just email the club at mudslingers5950@gmail.com. and let us know you are coming one (1) day in advance. We meet every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. in the Knowledge Center. You must be an employee of M-I SWACO or Schlumberger. As a member, if you bring a guest both you and your first-time guest will receive a lunch. This only applies to first-time guests and to our employees. Come and see how Toastmasters can be a fun way to help your professional development!
Please let us know any food allergies or preferences you have, so that we can provide you with an enjoyable lunch option.
Hope to see you soon,
M-I Mudslingers Toastmasters