Friday, January 27, 2012

New Year, New Banner, New Baby

 Hi, Mudslingers! We are doing very well in the New Year. So far, so good. Agendas have been full. Meetings have kept their energy. We  continue to learn and grow.

Aundrae Romeo, our District 56 Lt. Governor of Education and Training, helped us ring in the new by delivering our  new banner. We all earned this banner by supporting the club in earning it's DCP  by October of last year.

Aundrae Romeo, Lt. Gov. Ed and Training (Left) and Stacy Franks, VP of Ed (Right)

Here is our group photo with the banner. Our course, several members were missing, but we will be sure to update our group photo for our new website soon.

Top Row (left to right): Patrick Tyczynski, Natalia Collins, Paulo Pauferro, Carolina Little, Martina Chambliss, Meghan Riley, Kathy Leu, and Glenda Munguia
Bottom Row (left to right): Stacy Franks, P.S. Balakrishnan, Eric Ngo, and James Stark


We also have a happy announcement to make on behalf of our fellow Mudslinger, Sashi Mettath. He and his lovely wife welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world last week. Welcome, baby Nikhil! The name means complete. Congratulations to Sashi and his family on such a special occasion. We are very happy for you. 


Carolina Little received recognition for completing her 5 th speech of her CC manual. 
Meghan Riley received recognition for completing her 2 nd speech of her CC manual. 
Glenda Munguia received recognition for completing her 3 rd speech of her CC manual. 
James Stark conducted his first Toastmaster role! 
Paulo Pauferro conducted his first role with the club as time keeper! 
Glenda Muguia is our new club photographer. Thanks for volunteering for this much needed role! 


Please contact any of the club officers or Kim Ballew (website administrator) to learn how to use our new FreeToastHost website. The new site is very user-friendly and is important to use to sign up for roles and speeches.  You can also find links to all of the club's social networking sites there, too. Here is the link to our new website:

We are also linked in to our Career Development and Training Site on our M-I SWACO intranet home page. Please feel free to promote this link to your peers as well. 

Don't forget to sign up for next week's meeting and to plan ahead for your speeches. You may contact Stacy Franks, VP of Education, to help assist you with your planning and also to place you on the roster. 

Happy Weekend, Mudslingers!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year, Mudslingers!

Past and Present Officers Meeting to Discuss The New Year!

Happy, New Year, Mudslingers! We have had a lot going on and we are not done with January yet.  We had our first officers' meeting two weeks ago and had a smooth changing of the guards. Everyone shared goals and  objective and game plans that are sure to keep the energy flowing for our group. Here is the updated list for the new officers. 

President - Art Leuterman
Vice President of Education- Stacy Franks
Vice President of Membership- Kathy Leu
Vice President of P.R.-  Carolina Little
Secretary-Treasurer- Meghan Riley
Sergeant of Arms- James Stark

Thanks again to the outgoing officers.  It was a great term with great results!  We saw our membership grow from 23 to 30 members. It was exciting to see our new members begin to tackle their goals by delivering speeches and conducting roles or by attending meetings and being an active audience. We had several members gain CC's and CL awards. Each individual accomplishment helped us earn, once again, Distinguished Club status. We are well on our way to earning the Select Club status. 

Our next meeting will be this Thursday in the Knowledge Center at 12:05 p.m. It is going to be another good meeting. Please be sure to sign up for roles and remember to starting planning your speaking schedule and having your CL books signed. 

All of us will help each other keep our New Year Resolutions of becoming our better selves.